from Lisa Rutledge, author and editor


My StoryFest Selection


You may have seen on social media that I wrote a flash fiction piece every day in May as part of the StoryADay Challenge. Well, also associated with StoryADay is StoryFest. I'm participating in StoryFest by sharing the following story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Sunny and Glorious

“At first, I liked Momma not leaving us anymore, Glorious. She says it’s just her and us until who-knows-when. That’s good, right? But she doesn’t sound happy when she says it.”

Maybe that’s because you’re annoying, and she’s tired of having you around.”

“Hey! She saysyoumeaning us. She doesn’t say ‘Glorious.’”

“I suppose that’s true,” Glorious says, “but I don’t know why she would include you. She and I have an understanding. She feeds me, and I curl up in her lap after she eats at night. Otherwise, I look after myself. I don’t care whether she cleans up after me or not. All I care about is keeping myself clean. But you —!“

“I lick myself sometimes,” I say. “where it feels good. I hate it when I don’t smell like myself. Say — it’s been a long time since Momma’s taken me to those ladies who make me smell bad. And I still get walks. I’m so happy.”

“And I still like the human bed.”



“Momma! Don’t go!” I beg. “ Stay and snuggle! Let me get you something. Try this! It feels great on my teeth. I’ll make it be quiet for you. How long do I have to bite it for it to be quiet?” Hey! I did it!”

“Well, you did that one in,” Momma says. “Good thing I’m starting a job where they have bins of them for cheap. Let’s just hope keeping the three of us fed and occupied don’t get me sick.”

“You’re not happy to leave us?” I tilt my head. “Yay!” I jump up and down. “You’re not happy to leave us! Stay! Be happy with us!”

 “Down, Sunny! You stay! You too, Glorious.”

“What?” Glorious asks by squinting at Momma. “Well, if you’re leaving, I’ll just have to look after myself.

 “No, Glorious, we need Momma!”

 “Actually, I need the human only because she makes me need her.”

Glorious puts on an expression that says. “Don’t lock me in here with him again. Never mind. I’ll just sun myself on the bed next to the window until you get back.”        

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